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Kainga Tamariki Philosophy

Kainga Tamariki is a small family-orientated, privately owned centre. We have an open door policy where parents and Whᾱnau are welcome to visit at any time.

We have a team of professional teachers and staff who work collectively to ensure a safe, happy, caring and stimulating environment. Our children, parents, whᾱnau and teachers are a diverse team bringing together their individual and collective knowledge to extend and enhance the childrens learning.

We support the principles of Treaty of Waitangi and acknowledge and incorporate our dual heritage, resources will be sought for any cultures enjoying our centre.

We believe New Zealand has a unique multi-cultural heritage and believe it is the right of all children to have equitable opportunities for all learning irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity and background.

We believe children learn through free play both independently and alongside peers. We encourage TuakanaTeina where by the older children help the younger children to accomplish their learning outcomes.

Our programme reflects childrens strengths and interests with TeWhᾱriki as the guiding document for our practice. The programme is based on the interests of the child and supported and encouraged by the teachers so they become self-motivated learners and create a foundation for lifelong learning.

Our dedicated teaching team provides a quality teaching and learning environment where by attending any courses, workshops and conferences this is to keep up to date with the early childhood trends and issues.

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